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Effective Strategies for Home Care Marketing Agencies in Philadelphia

As you expand your home care agency in Philadelphia, it’s important to utilize key strategies to attract and retain clients. At Curis Digital, we’re dedicated to your company’s success through Effective

Integrating Analytics to Measure the Success of Home Health Care Marketing Efforts

You wouldn’t provide a service for your clients without having a way to know how or whether it would improve their standard of living. By the same token, you need a

FORBES Feature: AI-Powered Personalized Marketing: A Guide For Home Care Agencies

In the film Minority Report, Tom Cruise’s character John Anderton, having received a new pair of eyes, enters a Gap store and is greeted immediately (with the name of the eyes’

FORBES Feature: How To Maintain A Positive Online Image For Your Healthcare Brand

In healthcare, your reputation is vital, especially as the industry continues to evolve. In the digital world, where news and rumors travel at the speed of data, reputation building and management

FORBES Feature: Scaling Your Home Care Agency With AI-Powered Marketing Tools

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, it’s important for home care agencies to adapt to and use emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence has made a splash over the past couple of

The Evolution of Healthcare Marketing: Trends and Strategies for Success

This year has seen exciting innovations in healthcare marketing, with agencies seeing new tools and updated strategies. We recently launched our new CRM system, Pipeline AMP, designed to take advantage of

SEO Unleashed: Strategies to Boost Your Website’s Visibility

The greatest content in the world will do nothing for your website if people can’t find it. While content is king, you have to have a strong search engine optimization (SEO) plan to ensure that people find your

The Rise of Micro-Influencers and Community-Driven Marketing

Social media has absolutely changed the face of how we engage with entertainment and brands. Ten years ago, I might have asked a friend or a co-worker if they caught the

From Vision to Reality: Curis Digital’s Innovative Digital Solutions Propel Home Care Agencies Forward

Boca Raton, FL, April 10, 2024 – Curis Digital, a first-class digital marketing agency specializing in the healthcare industry, announces its strategic focus on home care marketing that leverages cutting-edge tools

Does Social Media Marketing Work for Small Businesses?

We know that social media can boost the profile of large businesses. From reputation management to advertising, social media provides an excellent way for brands to reach a large number of

Balancing Organic and Paid Content Promotion: Strategies for Maximizing Reach and Engagement

Should you pay to boost posts, or should you rely on hashtags, search terms, and relatable content that will reach people interested in your content? The answer isn’t an either/or but

Channel Fusion: How to Win with Cross-Channel Marketing

Businesses today continually search for innovative strategies to engage their audience effectively. Today’s marketing landscape offers businesses more solutions than ever before: social media, email, SMS, web and print ads, and

7 Reasons Why You Should Have a Blog on Your Shopify Website

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, establishing a strong online presence is essential for success. One powerful tool that often goes underutilized is a blog on your Shopify website. Yes, that’s

Video Marketing Beyond YouTube: Harnessing Emerging Platforms for Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, video content has proven to be a driving force behind engagement, brand visibility, and conversion rates. While YouTube has long been the go-to platform